Each Day at Dawn

Friday, January 27, 2006

Potty Training Diaries continued

Well I've been extrememly ill the past 3 days but we've tried to keep the potty-training up anyway. Absolutely no accidents day 3, we had a few poopie accidents yesterday and today Maiza and Bella spent the first part of the day at Tiffany's so I could get some rest and Tiff said that Bella used the potty all morning. No other accidents. This has been an extremely easy process! She should have no problem being potty trained by her second birthday!



Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Potty Training Diaries Day 2

Bella chose another pair of Dora panties for the day. This is another big day for her because she knows we get to go to Target to pick out some new panties just for her. She gets panties upon wakening and doesn't have an accident all morning. I put her diaper back on to go to Target and she chose some Pooh panties. Her diaper was dry when we got home and we changed back into her panties again. No accidents all morning! She wakes up dry from her nap and is in panties all day. numerous times on the potty and we go a whole day without any accidents! And this is only Day 2! We are all so proud of her!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Potty Training Diaries Day 1

Today began our first official day of potty training for Bella. Because she has a big sister influencing her, she's used the potty a number of times but not consistently. Today, we began the REAL thing! After breakfast I took her clothes off and said "no more diapers! You get to wear panties today!" she was very excited and chose the Dora ones from the bunch. Before I could get them on her she ran to the bathroom and pee peed in the potty! "Wow, this is going to be easy," I thought to myself. Four pairs of panties later, reality hit...this will take some time and lots of extra laundry.

By the end of the day, she has pee-ed in the potty a few times and only had four accidents. She looks so big and cute in her little panties!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Welcome Baby Reagan Victoria!!!

The 19th is a very special day in our family...Maiza's birthday is August 19th, Bella's is March 19th and today, January 19th, my brother Tommy and his wife, Meghan gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Reagan Victoria!

She weighs 7lbs, 10 oz. and is 20 3/4 inches long. I hear she has dark blue eyes and a head full of beautiful dark hair.


Here's a couple of Regean with Mommy and Daddy. Doesn't mommy look great!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Going to the Stock Show!

Well today's adventure was certainly grand! The girls started the day by shopping in Maiza's closet. Bella chose a beautiful easter dress which was Maiza's a couple of years ago and now fit her perfectly. Nice choice Bella. Maiza, however, went with a dress that was also from a couple of years ago and now looks like a mini. She'll need to learn a little bit more modesty. She hasn't quite mastered the art of matching yet either, as you can see in her choices of hats for her and Bella. I didn't correct, but instead was happy that she had clothes on at all!

After convincing them that we could not go out of the house in the beautiful outfits because of the weather, we managed to dress appropriately and wait for Daddy to get home...today, we are going to the stockshow!

Here are some of the highlights of our trip downtown to the Denver Stock Show. Our cousins, The Flamms, met us there.

waiting for our tickets:

riding the tractors:

the petting zoo! maiza wanted to pet everything...

Bella was a little more reluctant and awoke to a bad dream about cows just a few minutes ago.

The Rodeo:

My cowgirls:

and finally...what's life without your FAMILY!

Now everyone is in bed and I'm thankful to God for another adventurous day with my beautiful family...goodnight.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Welcome to my Blog

Each day at dawn I wake to find my two beautiful daughters calling me to another adventure. Each day we look forward to what lessons we will learn. We laugh, we play, we learn and most importantly we love...not perfectly but we are learning to love each other more every day.

I created this blog to keep you up to date as to what's going on in our lives.

For a few reasons, we decided not to put Maiza back in preschool after the holidays. So, we are on a great schedule which includes taking a walk everyday, going to the library once a week, reading lots of books and taking fieldtrips.

Maiza informed us a few months ago that she is going to be a firefighter when she grows up. She reminds us of this fact every day or so despite our hope that she grows out of it quickly. Here are some pictures our cousin Tiffany took today from a fieldtrip to the Fire Department. I took the girls and Tiffany brought three of her boys.

Unfortunately, they got a call so we couldn't go inside the fire engine. But they enjoyed seeing them take off with the sirens going.

Here's Maiza reluctantly trying on the hat. It weighed as much as she did!

I look foward to hearing from all of you!

Check back often!
