Each Day at Dawn

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Finally caught up...

Today it was beautiful outside. Maiza is recovering from croup and we all have colds...thanks to the children's museum. BUT we just had to get out. So...we did a little shopping (that always makes me feel a little better!), ate lunch at Noodles and went to the park. I managed to get some sweet shots of my darling girls...

This is how much Bella enjoys being photographed. Too bad for me!

How did I manage to get the world's cutest kids!

The Denver Children's Museum

What a great place for kids! Especially when it's cold out and you've been stuck in the house for a month.

They have this huge fire engine that used to be working that the kids can climb on and drive, etc. You know how much Maiza love anything firefighter!

grocery shopping!

EWW! WORMS! They had a live presentation on worms. Neither of the girls wanted ANYTHING to do with this!

They did love painting though!

My funny little valentines...

We had a fun valentines day with the girls. Hard to go out on dates because no one want to babysit on Valentine's Day and can you blame them? It's a made up holiday anyway...uh right?

Maiza likes the camera WAY more than Bella. Can you tell?

Ready for sunshine!

Yes, we are so desperate for warm weather! I don't know how you people in the mid-west handle this stuff!


I've been getting a lot of grief about not updating my blog and rightly so...has it really been since Christmas! YIKES!Well here goes!
The girls take gymnastics on Tuesdays. They love it and I love that they get some energy out!