Each Day at Dawn

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Welcome to my Blog

Each day at dawn I wake to find my two beautiful daughters calling me to another adventure. Each day we look forward to what lessons we will learn. We laugh, we play, we learn and most importantly we love...not perfectly but we are learning to love each other more every day.

I created this blog to keep you up to date as to what's going on in our lives.

For a few reasons, we decided not to put Maiza back in preschool after the holidays. So, we are on a great schedule which includes taking a walk everyday, going to the library once a week, reading lots of books and taking fieldtrips.

Maiza informed us a few months ago that she is going to be a firefighter when she grows up. She reminds us of this fact every day or so despite our hope that she grows out of it quickly. Here are some pictures our cousin Tiffany took today from a fieldtrip to the Fire Department. I took the girls and Tiffany brought three of her boys.

Unfortunately, they got a call so we couldn't go inside the fire engine. But they enjoyed seeing them take off with the sirens going.

Here's Maiza reluctantly trying on the hat. It weighed as much as she did!

I look foward to hearing from all of you!

Check back often!



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