Each Day at Dawn

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My baby's turning 2

Bella Katherine will be two in less than a month. Where did the time go? The first few months of her life were the hardest time of mine and she still keeps me on my toes but she has brought such incredible joy to our lives! She is funny, smart and just a tad energetic. She loves to pretend, can count to 20 (minus a few numbers) knows all of her letters and some of their sounds, can spell her name AND Maiza's name and can tell you anything she wants to with clear and appropriate words. She's got a great sense of humor and one great big STRONG will! We are working on her tendency to yell at Maiza and her temper tantrums. In return, she makes us cracks us up when we're not pulling our hair out.

Here are some recent photos of our Sweet Bella Baby, aka, Bella KK.


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